Friday, July 17, 2009

Corn Pudding

YAY! We finally have awesomely fast internet! Now to start posting again.

Today, we have corn pudding, or as my sister lovingly calls it, corn cornbread. I first made this recipe a few months ago, but failed to take pictures. Bad Mama Sarah. I decided to make it again for our fourth of July BBQ after hearing my dad and brother-in-law rave over a dish they had while staying in New Orleans for my nephew's first heart surgery. It was called a corn souffle, though by their description souffle was a bit of a stretch. But they talked about it so eagerly that I really wanted to recreate that for them. Plus, I love this dish and had been craving it for quite some time.

This stuff is amazing. It's both savory and sweet, and the kernels of corn interspersed throughout the dish add a necessary little crunch to the dish's softness. It's divine; I want to eat bowlfuls.

A few things to note about the recipe: the ingredient sizes are weird - as in, can sizes I've never seen in the store. And the second time I made it, I approximately doubled everything, which made it a bit too dry. Still delicious though. So, my warning is this: be prepared to tinker around a bit.

Corn Pudding
(Adapted from Cooking Light September 2007)
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 cup butter, melted
  • 1 can (8 3/4 oz) whole kernel corn, drained
  • 1 can (8 3/4 oz) creamed corn
  • 1 package (8 1/2 oz) corn muffin mix (I use honey cornbread mix. yum yum)
  • 1 carton (8 oz) fat free sour cream

Preheat oven to 350F. Spray an 8x8 pan with cooking spray.

In a large bowl, combine all ingredients. Mix until well blended. Pour/spoon into prepared pan.

Bake 45 minutes or until golden and set.


Unknown said...

That looks delicious. I haven't had corn anything in too long.

Mama Sarah said...

Oh Dan, you should try this! It is so tasty and delicious and wonderful. A nice sweet side dish to complement a spicy or savory meat. Mmmm. I want some too!