Look on my pancakes, ye hungry, and rejoice!

Today's pancake adventure went MUCH better than last week's!! Firstly, I used Nigella Lawson's pancake recipe from How to Be a Domestic Goddess, which I feel is a good, trustworthy source for a recipe. Secondly, I had way more confidence and never needed to call hubby in for help. And having some leftover blueberries, I even threw those into the last couple of pancakes.

Drizzled with honey, they were quite divine.

So I think I've gootten a hang of the cooking process. Now, I just need to perfect the recipe. Not that Nigella's isn't great, I just feel the typical pancake lacks something. It's my job to find out what that something is.
You gotta try Moroccan pancakes - rghaif, or rghafi (or various spellings thereof). They're super easy, and really delicious when served hot with honey.
You can leave out the semolina and they're mighty tasty.
Seriously, I am coming over some Saturday morning at 5am. These all look too tasty.
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