Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Saturday Morning Lesson

This past week, in the dozens of pancake recipes for Pancake Tuesday (Mardi Gras), I stumbled across a recipe for blueberry buttermilk pancakes that looked delicious. Hubby loves blueberries and I knew he had previously enjoyed some bluberry pancakes at I-Hop once upon a time. So, with recipe in hand, I decided to treat my sweetie to pancakes... completely forgetting that he is the one who makes the pancakes in our house.

After whipping up my batter and plopping my first ladleful of into my skillet, I realized why he always makes the pancakes. The sad truth is, my friends, that no one taught Mama Sarah how to make pancakes. I vaguely knew the "once it sets and bubbles around the edges, it's time to flip" rule, but after that, nadda. So my treat for hubby turned into a shy (and somewhat heartbroken) request that he help me with breakfast.

It actually ended up being a great way to start a glorious Saturday. Hubby passing down to me the lessons he learned from his granny. Me, trying to find ways to validate my presence in the kitchen. Pancakes seem like such a simple thing, but they aren't. I've decided I shall make pancakes EVERY Saturday until I have perfected the skill.

Now, please note: part of my difficulty with the pancakes was that they weren't cooking all the way through, even though they were golden. We determined the blueberries might be affecting the cooking process. We removed the blueberries from the process (I made a blueberry syrup), yet the pancakes were still goopy. We decided it was a problem with the batter. I consulted a few cookbooks and the ratios seemed off. So there's that. I felt a little better....


meagan said...

Hi. When I used to work in a restaurant, we used frozen blueberries in our pancakes. The cook would put the regular batter on the grill, wait til it almost set on one side. In the meantime, he was heating up the frozen blueberries in the microwave. Just before it was ready to flip, he'd sprinkle the blueberries on one side. Flip it, cook it the rest of the way through.

Best blueberry pancakes -ever-. Don't believe me? I used to be a skinny chick. Then I worked there for four years. Yum. I have no regrets.

Mama Sarah said...

We did add the blueberries after the pancakes had cooked in the pan for a bit. I'm glad to hear it's a good method to continue using. I think I'll have to keep a stock of frozen blueberries in the freezer from now on.
And really, can there ever be regrets with blueberry pancakes? I hope not. That's not a world in which I want to live.