Sunday, October 4, 2009

Cherry Ice Cream

I learned not too long ago that my brother-in-law frequently checks this blog, which is both unexpected and awesome. One day while hanging out at their house with my sister, he walked in complaining about this lady on the internet with homemade ice cream, but he never gets in.  We talked a bit, and he asked for cherry ice cream. Specifically, vanilla ice cream with maraschino cherries mixed in.  I told him the next time he came to my house for dinner I'd make him some, and I did. That was a week ago. Due to a variety of things (no one eating the ice cream for awhile, blogging about the Daring Bakers Challenge, and my depressing week) I haven't posted it yet. So here we go. 

Unfortunately, the ice cream didn't freeze properly. We had some issues with our ice cream machine, so I suspect it didn't get churned properly. Whatever the reason, it was a bit dry, like when you're a kid and you freeze milk thinking it will become ice cream but you just get crumbly, crystallized milk.  So I'll need to make my brother in law another  batch. 

I followed the same Nigella Lawson recipe I always use, so I'm not going to repost it all right now. Just know that instead of a vanilla bean, I mixed vanilla extract into warm milk. Before putting the mixture into the machine, I folded in marschino cherries cut in half. That's all. 

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